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When finding the right dog trainer, the options (and opinions) can be overwhelming! Los Angeles dog training and behavior expert Brett Endes answers common dog training questions about what to look for in a dog trainer, what to expect when training your dog, why his approach is different, and how to get started.

How do I get started?
I always begin with an initial consultation at your home. This is a no-obligations 1 1/2 hour session at a discounted rate. I do this so you may meet me and see results before we start working together. Because of the myriad of dog training styles available, plus nearly half of my new clients come from previously unsuccessful dog training, I want to make sure you see how I am different and can help before hiring me. Our initial consultation of course also gives me the opportunity to evaluate your dog and coordinate the right training program for his/her training and behavior needs.
How much does it cost?
The cost and length of dog training can vary. Most long term results can be achieved in 1-2 months. With noticeable improvements the very first session! Please call for a free telephone consultation or to schedule a discounted initial session with Brett Endes.
What is the best age to start training my puppy?
The earlier the better! Good habits can be taught from day one. By creating a solid foundation and some basic life-skills from the start, you will ensure an optimal relationship between you and your pet that is problem free. Brett also offers pre-purchase and pre-adoption services to help ensure a good match between you and your new family member.
I have an older dog/”tough breed” with issues. Can s/he be helped?
I work with dogs of any age, breed, or temperament. As long as the owner can be trained…any dog can be trained too!
My dog is currently on medication for his behavior problems. Is that okay?
Once I teach owners to understand/communicate with their dogs in a natural way and provide a structured life that accommodates their individual needs. I have rarely seen a dog that requires medication. When I begin working with a “medicated” dog, I usually will ask the owner to discontinue giving it to them. This allows the dog to see reality from an unclouded and pure perspective. So we may communicate with them effectively.
Do you offer individual/group training?
I offer both group and individual training. Our relationship begins with an initial 1 1/2 hr meeting at your home or location where training is required. This includes a full consultation / behavior evaluation and your dog’s first training lesson.
What type of programs do you offer?
I offer wide range of dog training programs and counseling options. All situations are unique and require varying training protocols. In our initial consultation Brett will evaluate your dog and recommend the best approach to address the needs of your pet and your family. All programs include unlimited weekly drop in group therapy classes with no additional fee! (see schedule for start date)
Is my dog not intelligent or is something wrong because s/he needs training?
Quite the contrary! Most dogs who display behavioral issues (even extreme ones) are doing so because they are very intelligent and highly sensitive are simply not getting the appropriate outlets for their mental/physical energy or the structured life they require.
Can you help with my dog’s separation anxiety?
Yes. Like dog aggression, separation anxiety is often misunderstood. I have found in most cases, medications are not necessary to help with this debilitating problem many dogs experience once the root cause is addressed.
My dog is aggressive. Can you help?
Absolutely! Even though dog aggression is a serious issue. It is unfortunately misunderstood by too many dog trainers. You will be amazed how quickly most dogs get over their insecurities once a proper relationship and structured lifestyle is established between dog and owner.
I have been to other professionals and my dog still has issues. Can my dog be fixed?
Yes. Brett specializes in dogs who have worked, at times extensively with other trainers and behavior specialists. In most cases, these individuals see a noticeable improvement in the first lesson! Despite what results previous “experts” have shown or said about their dog in the past.
What type of dog problems do you address?
All of them! Regardless of age, breed, or temperament.
What is your philosophy?
I do not have one! I have learned how dogs, as a separate and complex species naturally communicate on their own and to teach this concept to humans. In reality, dogs have been around much longer than I have…Who am I to reinvent the wheel…right? Once we learn to understand our dog’s reality (and not the one we project onto them) a dog will instantly sense this and respond accordingly.
What makes your approach to dog behavior and training different?
I teach dog owners how to truly communicate with their pets. This is opposed to just “training” them. Which does not always tap into a dog’s natural instincts. This is needed to achieve contentment and good behavior in any dog, regardless of breed, age, or temperament. You may read more about how I teach owners to understand their dogs.
I’ve researched all over the internet and have found that dog trainers vary widely in their philosophies … why?
Because we as humans, all come from different backgrounds, cultures, and points of view. It only makes sense that dogs approach life from the same perspective. There are many trainers who use this line of thinking when approaching dogs and their behaviors. This leads them to have some sort of (usually prefaced by positive) “philosophy” or “method” they invented. This actually makes complete sense to our human thought processes.(Even I wish dogs thought exactly like we did!) This can be misleading to what our dogs truly need though, and is the primary reason why so many dog owners have to see me after working with other dog trainers. Dogs are dogs and exist in a completely different world than we do. This requires a more involved approach based on energy, instinct, and communication. Not just treats or unnecessary force.

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